
Sustain Your Endurance at All Times

If your company is a startup, small or mid-sized firm, your leaders likely wear more than one hat. Performance fatigue happens to all high-functioning warriors, even the most energetic and reliable producers on your team. The truth is, performing at full throttle day in and day out over long periods can be exhausting – especially during stressful times, and we all have them. 

Since today’s hyper-competitive business environment is unforgiving of the human condition, we provide a healthy brand of support that boosts individual performance when you need it most.

Level Up Leadership – your go-to fuel source for challenging days

Level Up Leadership from The Cooper Group (TCG) is a strategic shot of energy and drive that keeps essential employees at the top of their game – and yours. Consider it the ultimate energy bar with the right mix of whole, organic ingredients tailored to your stakeholders, authenticity, culture, communication, insights, coaching, motivation, data and prioritization.

As a key component of our proprietary Level Up business and marketing growth solutions, the Leadership energy bar is formulated to take leadership to the next level. Our seasoned analysts perform due diligence by gathering and analyzing data using the following metrics, and develop a solid strategy of dynamic internal support for your leadership team:  


Agility and Flexibility 
Customer Experience

Let us show you how Level Up Leadership helps professionals improve response times, problem solving, operational efficiency, sales and marketing, customer satisfaction and retention – and keep their teams whole, engaged, motivated and on time. It is a real game changer.

Explore all of our Level Up Energy Drinks and Energy Bars. Discover the raw energy and on-the-go nutrition you gain from our 100% organic approach to sound business and marketing strategy. All solutions are infused with beneficial analytics, all-natural insights and fresh strategy.

Be exceptional every day, at every turn