Let’s start with defining (from a marketing perspective) ubiquitous:  providing a seamless experience, regardless of channel or device. Consumers can now engage a brand in many formats: physically (in store), digitally (website or mobile app) through a catalog, or social media (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat).  In other words, the brand travels with the customer, following him/her across geographies, channels, platforms, etc.

Why is this relevant?  Historically, brands planted roots in one location (i.e. retail channel) and waited for the customers to find them.  The “build it and they will come” strategy was primary as leaders believed the brand had more power than the customer, retailer, manufacturer, etc. That thinking is so 2000.

In today’s marketplace, the customer has all the power.  He/she no longer pursues a brand; he/she expects to be pursued – regardless of his/her situation or location.  The power shift requires marketers to change their thinking and strategy, broadening the scope and reach of communications to drive more meaningful customer experiences.  The ubiquitous brand is not an unrealistic dream, checking the “nice to have” box in your strategy.  It is a pragmatic requirement that is the starting point for your brand’s survival.

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